TuS Niederpleis - HSG Bielefeld 28:29 (14:14)

On April, 30th, 2005, it was the first time I reported from a sports team from my home town Sankt Augustin near Cologne. Sankt Augustin district Niederpleis hosted Bielefeld, both teams fought against being sent off the third class regional league.
Niederpleis wasted an early two-goal-lead, before Bielefeld took the lead. In a stunning first half, it took Niederpleis until the 25th minute before they tied the score again. In the last second they were able to tie the score again. In the second half, the hosting teams acted too unconcentrated in offense and gave Bielefeld many fast break opportunities. Niederpleis goalie Daniel Braun kept his team in the match and was definitely the best player this day. Nevertheless, Niederpleis was in the lead nearly throughout the whole period until the 58th minute. In the second last minute, Bielefeld lead by two goals (26:28), but Niederpleis tied the score with 15 seconds to play. Bielefeld chose to play with seven field players now and hit the buzzer beater.
In a thrilling match, Niederpleis was heavily punished for committing too many mistakes. Though their game looked better than Bielefeld's, they deserved to loose this match.